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Shea Moisture, Is Our Hair Struggle the Same? | Washington Post Article

Hey Mocha Family,

Let's keep the conversation going!

Be blessed!


  1. What a great video! My 10 y/o daughter watched the commercial with me and I asked her if she could guess why I was angry with Shea Moisture. She instantly picked up on the fact that there was no one who resembled her in the ad. The one rather light skinned POC didn't resonate for her. Lissa totally knows that my stick straight, white chick hair is cared for very differently than how we care for hers. She literally said "this ad makes no sense." Out of the mouths of babes! I love the dialogue with you and your daughter. You have such a great relationship. Hair issues at the dance recital are real too! My Lissa has locks and I need to figure out a style that will work for ballet, jazz hip hop and lyrical. Yipes! I am angry too that fast food restaurants with dubious health benefits can so clearly market to POC but a company that historically has provided a quality hair product can't market honestly and effectively to their client base.

    1. I can't believe I missed your comment. Thank you! Locks! We could not find a way to make the locks work and meet the standards for ballet. As you know my daughter has a lot of hair. Her locks would have much more volume than my first set of locks. I had a massive bun, even with my much finer hair, my locks were thick. I can't even imagine how big her bun would be if she locked her hair. I can't imagine her wanting to cut her locks all of the time either. I was disappointed when we opted out locks for her at this time. She would be gorgeous and it would otherwise be perfect for her style of hair management. We even considered investing in sisterlocks for a more condensed out come, but no one would call locks perfectly smooth and neat. There is no guarantee that sisterlocks would be less thick. With locks there is no guarantee. Depending on where she goes, it would be tragic to have to chop them off to comply. This conversation is important. Back in the day I was looking for validation, but I am satisfied with myself and don't really need to hear someone say they love my hair. What's more important to me know is consideration. I expect to be considered. I shouldn't have to struggle more than my peers or suffer unique hardship to meet expectations. I hope you keep sharing your thoughts and making your preferences known.


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