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Hot Topic: Step up YOUR styling game Mocha Mom!


  1. I love how real you are and how you put family first!! Bless you!

  2. Oh my word. I so needed this today. Thanks for sharing. I don't have 4 girls, but I have 4 kids and I often feel like I am trying to do hair again because of pride. I struggle because I don't want to be that white mom that doesn't take care of her kids' hair. Isn't that awful? I need to remind myself I AM TAKING CARE OF THEM!!! Even though it isn't always fuzz free, it's healthy hair. I want my kids to be proud of their hair and that their mama knows how to do their hair. AH!! Struggle. Thanks for sharing this. I love your heart!

    Molly Shockley

  3. Thanks Char!

    You're welcome Molly. Thanks for sharing your struggle--sounds like you're moving in the right direction. It's even harder to move forward with the weight of other people's expectations.

  4. I laughed out loud when you talked about washing their hair in the style to preserve the parts! I do that all the time. I am an adoptive mother of two african american girls and it has been a learning experience for me. I consider them to have very healthy hair but it is seldom fuzz free! It's all I can do sometimes to keep up with two heads! I save time wherever I can.

  5. Thank you so much for all of your posts. I have learned lots from you!


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