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Mocha Baby get's her hair washed for the first time... the kitchen sink! We video taped it to share with you here.


  1. That is the SWEETEST!!!

    My two daughter's were preschoolers when we adopted them so we missed the first hair wash. Thanks for letting us share in this special moment.

  2. Thank you! I tried to keep washing her hair in the tub but she's got so much hair now I just wasn't getting it clean enough.

  3. Hello Natacha,

    My name is Kia, I have to say you have such a beautiful family! I have three children, my two older children are boys ages 9 and 3 and my youngest is my first daughter who is 2. I am having such a dilemma with her hair. When I was pregnant with her, I decided to go natural and have been doing well without the big chop. But my problem is my daughter's hair just does not seem it is growing. Our diets are very good. I too am a stay at home mom, I manipulate her hair weekly and I alternate between braiding her hair and the puffs with the rubber bands. The back of her hair came out when she was an infant but it is trying to grow back but it seems as if it is at a standstill. I used coconut oil, shea butter, and rosemary oil. I have tried frenchee super gro. Her hair is very thick on top but the back and her edges are thin. I stop braiding and she is just wearing a mini afro. I don't know what to do and I don't want to do anymore damage if I have done any already. Please help!!!!

  4. I just did a video on this for CherishMyDaughter Youtube channel. Check it out and let me know if it helps.

  5. Thank you so much, the video did help. I decided to braid her hair and I left the edges out and I am not going to do anything to it for at least two weeks. Thank you for your videos and site.

  6. Hello, My baby's hair is thinning at the top and the back and sides. She's 9 months old now and was born with a head full of hair. I've been washing her hair every other day or couple days but her hair looks like it's thinning. I'm using cara b shampoo and leave in conditioner, but I feel like Im doing too much. I used to use coconut oil but she developed a dry scalp and scratched her scalp a lot. I was given oil from dermatologist but recently stopped using it. Now that her bald dry spot has filled in i ts getting thinner on the top. I want to let it be but when I leave it alone it gets dry n stringy looking. Smh I feel like I've ruined her hair. Any tips?

    1. I've been there. The scratching with the coconut oil may be a sign of allergy. You were wise to stop using it. Her hair will grow back. The approach that worked well for me was being super gentle and using as little in their hair as possible. If the shampoo you are using is gentle that's good. I have not used leave in conditioners for my girls, I typically rinse everything out. I finish with a light oil. Pay attention to styling. Try not to pull her hair tightly. If she can wear her hair in a little fro as much as possible that is good too. Careful detangle and then just patience. The hair does come back.


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