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Styling My 4 Mocha Girls at Once! Part 2 of 2

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  1. Thanks for the videos. Very helpful and good to see your adaptations and modifications. Would you consider posting about how you care for hair when it is in a style (products, caps, whatever), as well as how frequently wash and condition, and resytle? The loose hair/puff video made me see that might be transitioning from style to style and then washing. This would help me!

    Thanks for blogging.


  2. You're welcome Mandestory! I have a couple of style maintenance videos up on YouTube for MG3's cornrow puff and refreshing MG2's old twists into a high ponytail. Ideally the girls cover their heads for bed but we don't always remember and sometimes their scarves fall off during sleep. Our style can get pretty fuzzy and I've learned to tolerate lots of fuzz. I will work on a post about my philosophy about wash frequency soon.

  3. Your daughter is the sweetest! Love big cheesy grin she gives you at one point, and also the sound of your baby playing in the background! :-)

    I get more and more ideas from you each times I look. Thanks!

  4. Thank you for sharing. That was very helpful. What beautiful girls and beautiful hairstyles.

  5. I love your video because my daughter's hair types looks like your daughters which help because some of the natural hair blogs tend to be about biracial or loose waves hair types. I love that she can watch your kids and see pretty kinky hair in all lenghts. by way thanks for saying nappy because everyone else feel its taboo.

  6. This is a late post, cos I just found ur blog. Well, I love everything u do, the way u take gud care of ur girls hair i am so amazed..i can sit down watching the clips over and over again...but then i was like..ur hair is gorgeous too..cos everyone is concentrated on ur mocha girls..but i LOVE UR just wanted to make a comment on that..stay blessed!

  7. @Bridget!
    Thank you! I love my hair this way, though I definitely miss my teeny weeny afro sometimes. If you're on Fotki and you're interested, check out my Fotki You have to be registered to see it. I found it so encouraging following other people's experiences.


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