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Tips for Surviving the First Week of Homeschool

Hey Mocha Family,

The first week of school was especially difficult for me this year. If I would have really thought it through, I would have delayed starting by another week. I am doing well, but I needed more time to adapt to moving Bekah out of state. Instead, I came home and moved Kaleb into his apartment for the semester and continued prepping to teach a class (at a school) for the first time in years, as if I didn't need a moment to sit and maybe cry a little. I wish I had not jumped right into starting my homeschool. If you're a homeschooling family, maybe you can understand the pressure of thinking you need to do what the rest of the world is doing not to let your kids down when it comes to school. Actually, one of the greatest perks of homeschooling is being able to adapt schooling to fit what is happening in your particular family. I had to slap my hand for this one, but we're moving forward wiser for next time.

I think one fear is that we'll fall too far behind so we should start early.  This almost never works for me in real life.  Maybe we would fall even further behind by starting later, but starting early doesn't usually keep me from falling behind.  Inevitably a kid gets sick or something happens in life to disrupt school.  If my kids were in public/private school we could send them out to school while resolving things at home. Maybe a sick sibling wouldn't disrupt the healthy ones's schooling so much.  I have never been able to find the perfect buffer.  Instead, I think it would be better to go with it.  Homeschooling is not a competition or race.  In my house, we will move through the material at a pace that makes sense for our family.

Be blessed!


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