If you follow me on Facebook, you've already heard that I feel over committed this summer. I feel a lot like the white flower pictured above. This morning I finally enjoyed about an hour of weeding in my garden. I generally don't enjoy weeding, though I feel a great sense of accomplishment when I am done. Yet today I did my weeding with great pleasure, because I was finally able to get to it. As I was working, I noticed that weeds flourish in some parts of my garden and not others. I planted all of my flowers at the same time, yet the weed sparse areas have fat robust arrangements. I thought there was no hope for the flowers in the weed infested areas. You can imagine my surprise to find this, after just a little bit of focused work! This little flower is filling me with hope and renewed purpose. I see the weeds as all the busy that is choking me to death this summer. This morning, I felt down for the count, but ...