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Mocha Baby's first Style

It's been so hot and Mocha Baby has been sweating profusely. Her hair is dense on top and my husband suggested trying a style to expose her scalp. I was reluctant to bother her fro, because I've been keeping myself on a tight leash as far as bothering her hair. See my post here for the details. Clearly the time has come to move in a different direction.

First, I tried finger coils, which I thought were very pretty but they rubbed right out any time she rested a portion of her hair somewhere. I'm not interested in using heavy product on her hair for hold at this time.
While playing around with one of the coils that came loose, I discovered that I could twist Mocha Baby's hair and it stayed much better. The twist kept curling over until they looked like little bantu knots--loved it!
To twist I spritzed her hair damp with water and topped it with a very small amount of my shea butter mix. I think plain castor oil, coconut or any oil your daughter's hair likes will work just as well.

I'm so glad to find a way to expose her scalp without putting strong tension on her roots. Mocha Baby's sweating is radically reduced. It's amazing how much heat we release from our heads. I will be searching for smooth and silky feeling pillow cases for all my girls this summer (except the baby she doesn't sleep on a pillow)--and letting them ditch the sleeping caps and scarves.


  1. This look is so cute! And that smile is knock-me-down gorgeous!

  2. So cute!! Can you describe to me how you twisted it? I'm ignorant...I know...but I want to learn!!! Thanks!

  3. Thank you!

    @Char, I grabbed a small section of hair, separated it into 2 equal sized group of strands, and twisted them together. When I release the finished twist the entire thing curls up. That probably has more to do with her texture than what I did.

    I twisted while the hair was damp/wet so it was at it's most coily state because I wanted the twists to stay.

  4. That is adorable! I have done this with Jeane's hair, too, but find that it is so thin that it doesn't look as nice. I get really tiny twists. I have tried to twist them into bantu knots but they don't stay.

    Jeane's hair is in twists right now....should I be spraying them with oil (I have grapeseed oil) occasionally, or should I just leave them. How long do I leave them in for?

    Questions, questions...:-)

  5. I generally don't add oil to the twists after that first application when I did them. I try to let the steam catch them at bath time or spritz with plain water BUT I know that people make all sorts of spritzes with oils in them for moisturizing. I could probably do a better job with that but to be honest with you I just don't remember to do it.

    Mocha baby's twists come loose all of the time. Her hair is really silky right now and doesn't want to hold. I'd leave them in as long as the hair isn't matting, it's clean and you like how it looks. I've been fixing a loose twist here and there every day--but I see I need to lower my expectations. Her hair won't stay perfectly neat, and that's OK.

  6. ^_^ <<that means uber cute. LOL!!!

  7. Natacha~ I have a follow up question. Did you twist the two strands individually before twisting them together? Thanks again!

  8. @Char No--I just did regular two strand twists on her hair and when I finished each twists it just curled over like that on its own.

  9. @Naturalesque These styles look even better as time goes by don't they?

  10. I found some cheap satin pillowcases for my kids at TJ Max and Burlingtons. I've also seen them at Ross's. I don't know if these are stores you have in your area, but they were considerably cheaper at these stores than in department stores. I live in Utah, and finding sleep caps that fit my little ones' heads is tough. Sometimes I use the top part of pantyhose, not the cutest, but functional :).

  11. Thanks Heather! I will check those places out!


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