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Good Hair Talk

Our words have power. Sometimes the way we say things conveys a message we never intended to our children about their hair. Consider the following scenarios and leave a comment about what you think.

Scenario One

A mother sits down on Saturday night after a hectic day to style her daughter's hair for Sunday worship. She plans to do a small corn rowed style, which she hopes will last two weeks. The mother gathers her supplies and calls for the daughter. Within five minutes of their grooming session a struggle begins.

"Sit still Baby. Let me grab this section."

"Stop! I can't get this part right."

"Does that hurt? It's alright Baby. You're going to be so beautiful."

"It's not too tight. Don't you want it to be smooth and pretty? You'll tomorrow it won't hurt anymore."

"No Baby, if we leave the back out I won't be able to comb it."

"Let me finish two more braids and you can go potty. It's almost time for bed and half your head isn't done."

"My goodness, your hair is just like your Daddy's people."

"Make sure you don't get this wet."

"Stop twisting, you'll break my comb."

Scenario Two

A family is going out for some fun. The twelve year old son is about to climb in the car when he's stopped by his mother.

"Did you comb your hair?"

"Why not?"

"You can't leave the house like that!"

"Come here. Let me help you."

"Stop fidgeting."

"You really need a shape up."

Scenario Three

Two girls are invited to join their friends on a trip to the pool. They run to their mother for permission.

"When do they want to go?"

"Today? But I just did your hair!"

Scenerio Four

Two friends bring their four old daughters to the park for a play date. One daughter, Lisa, has loosely coiled hair which clumps in a visible curl pattern. The other daughter, Shea, has tightly coiled hair like fluffy cotton. Over lunch, they all sit together with the girls listening as their mothers chat.

"Lisa's hair always looks so nice. It's gotten so long!"

"Shea's hair is always so dry, what do you use for moisture?"

Scenario Five
Lisa just done her daughter Kita's hair. Kita runs to the mirror shaking her head and swinging her braids. Next Kita puts on her favorite princess costume with a pretend bridal head dress.

Lisa gasps and shouts, "Kita take that head dress off your head! All that time I spent doing your hair and it's all messed up already!"

Scenario Six
Jessica has two daughters with very different hair. One has fine hair while the other's hair is lush and thick. No matter how Jessica styles the fine haired daughter's hair, she wants her hair to look like the thick haired daughter's hair.

Jessica constantly tells her fine haired daughter, "your hair can't do that."


  1. Once I read really doesn't sound so good to say those things. I think sometimes as parents or people in general say things without going into to deep thinking.

    Thought provoking post!


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